]> git.0d.be Git - panikweb.git/blob - panikweb_templates/templates/emissions/nav.html
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[panikweb.git] / panikweb_templates / templates / emissions / nav.html
2 <div class="wrapper">
3         <nav>
4                 <ul class="inline">
5                         <li><a href="{% url 'emissions' %}" class="{% if class != "program" and class != "grid" and class != "archives" %}active{% endif %}">
6                                 <span class="icon-microphone" ></span>
7                                 <span class="iconLabel">Emissions</span>
8                         </a></li>
9                         <li><a href="{% url 'program' %}" class="{% if class = "program" %}active{% endif %}">
10                                 <span class="icon-calendar" ></span>
11                                 <span class="iconLabel">Cette semaine</span>
12                         </a></li>
13                         <li><a href="{% url 'grid' %}" class="{% if class = "grid" %}active{% endif %}">
14                                 <span class="icon-th-large" ></span>
15                                 <span class="iconLabel">La grille</span>
16                         </a></li>
17                         <li><a href="{% url 'archives' %}" class="{% if class = "archives" %}active{% endif %}">
18                                 <span class="icon-archive" ></span>
19                                 <span class="iconLabel">Archives</span>
20                         </a></li>
21                 </ul>
22         </nav>
23         {% if categories %}
24                 <nav id="gridNav" class="checkable">
25                         <ul class="by{{ categories.count }}">
26                         {% if class = "grid" %}
27                                 <li><button class="check icon-check-empty"  data-about="#Main" data-highlight=".nonstop">Non-stop</button></li>
28                         {% elif  class = "emissions" %}
29                                 <li><button class="check icon-check"  data-about="#Main" data-toggle=".nocat">?</button></li>
30                         {% endif %}
31                         {% for category in categories %}
32                                 {% if class = "grid" %}
33                                         <li><button class="check icon-check-empty" data-about="#Main" data-highlight=".{{ category|slugify }}">{{ category }}</button></li>
34                                 {% else %}
35                                         <li><button class="check icon-check" data-about="#Main" data-toggle=".{{ category|slugify }}">{{ category }}</button></li>
36                                 {% endif %}
37                         {% endfor %}
38                         </ul>
39                 </nav>
40         {% endif %}
41         {% if class = "week" %}
42         {% endif %}
43         {% if emission %}
44                 <header class="mainHeader">
45                         <h2 class="squashed title">
46                                 <a href="{% url 'emission-view' slug=emission.slug %}">{{ emission.title }}</a>
47                         </h2>
48                 {% if emission.categories %}
49                         <div class="categories">
50                         {% for category in emission.categories.all %}
51                                 {% if forloop.counter > 1 %} - {% endif %}<span class="">{{category}}</span>
52                         {% endfor%}
53                         </div>
54                 {% endif %}
55                 </header>
56                 <!--
57                 {% if episodes %}
58                 <div class="wrapper half">
59                         <nav>
60                                 <ul class="distributed">
61                                         <li>
62                                                 <a href="{% url 'emission-view' slug=emission.slug %}">En bref</a>
63                                         </li>
64                                         <li>
65                                                 <a href="{% url 'emissionEpisodes' slug=emission.slug %}">Episodes ({{ episodes.count }})</a>
66                                         </li>
67                                 </ul>
68                         </nav>
69                 </div>
70                 {% endif %}
71                 -->
72         {% endif %}
73 </div>