]> git.0d.be Git - panikweb.git/blob - panikweb_templates/static/js/audioPlayer.js
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[panikweb.git] / panikweb_templates / static / js / audioPlayer.js
1 (function($) {  
2         var self;
3         $.widget( "panik.playlist", {
4                 /*
5                         sound = {
6                                 source :{
7                                         ogg:"oggURL",
8                                         mp3:"mp3URL"
9                                 },
10                                 emission: "episode.slug",
11                                 episode: "episode.slug",
12                                 id:""
13                         }
14                 */
15                 options: {
16                         playlist: [],
17                         html5audioOptions:{class:"hidden", controls:false,preload:true},
18                         classes: "small",
19                         itemClasses: "",
20                         playlistContainer: $('<ol>'),
21                 },
22                 _create: function() {
23                 // Initialization logic here
24                         self = this;    
25                         this.debugContainer = $('<pre>').hide();
26                         this.playlistContainer = this.options.playlistContainer;
27                         this.element.addClass(this.options.classes);    
28                         this.element.append(this.playlistContainer);
29                         this.element.append(this.debugContainer);
30                         this.playlist = this.loadPlaylist();
31                         this._update();
32                 },
34                 _setOption: function( key, value ) {
35                         this.options[ key ] = value;
36                         this._update();
37                 },
38                 _update: function() {   
39                         this.playlist = [];     
40                         this.playlistContainer.find('audio').each(function(){
42                                 self.playlist.push(self.jsonifyAudio($(this)));
43                         });     
44                         this.savePlaylist();
45                         this.debugContainer.text(
46                                 JSON.stringify(this.playlist, null, '\t')
47                         );
48                         return this.playlist;
49                 },
50                 savePlaylist: function(){
51                         localStorage['playlist'] = JSON.stringify(this.playlist, null, '\t');
52                 },
53                 loadPlaylist: function(){
54                         this.playlist = localStorage['playlist']?JSON.parse(localStorage['playlist']):this.playlist;
55                         $.each(this.playlist,function(k,v){
56                                 self.playlistContainer.append(self._htmlifyJsonSound(v));
57                         });
58                         return this.playlist;
59                 },
60                 // Transform HTML5 <audio> to simple JSON object.
61                 jsonifyAudio: function(audio) {
62                         var sound = {
63                                 source :{},
64                                 title: audio.attr('title'),
65                                 id:audio.attr('id')
66                         };
67                         audio.children('source').each(function(){
68                                 sound.source[$(this).attr('type')] = $(this).attr('src');
69                         });
70                         return sound;
71                 },
72                 // Transform JSON sound object to HTML container for playlist.
73                 _htmlifyJsonSound: function(sound) {
74                         var container = $('<div>',this.options.itemClasses);
75                         var audio = $('<audio>',this.options.html5audioOptions);
76                         $.each(sound.source,function(k,v){
77                                 var source = $('<source>',{src:v,type:k});
78                                 audio.append(source);
79                         });
80                         audio.attr('title',sound.title);
81                         audio.attr('data-origin',sound.id);
82                         var title = $('<button>',{html:sound.title,click:function(){
83                                   if (audio[0].paused == false) {
84                                       audio[0].pause();
85                                         $(this).removeClass('active');
86                                   } else {
87                                         self.playlistContainer.find('.active').removeClass('active');
88                                         $(this).addClass('active');
89                                         self.pauseSounds();
90                                       audio[0].play();
91                                   }
92                         }});
93                         var remover = $('<button>',{class:'icon-remove',click:function(){
94                                 container.remove();
95                                 self._update();
96                         }});
97                         container.append(remover).append(title).append(audio);
98                         return container;
99                 },
100                 // Create a public method.
101                 registerAudio: function(audio) {
102                         var htmlAudio = this._htmlifyJsonSound(this.jsonifyAudio(audio));
103                         this.playlistContainer.append(htmlAudio);
104                         this._update();
105                 },
106                 registerSound: function(sound) {
107                         this.playlist.push(sound);
108                         this._update();
109                 },
110                 removeSound: function(k) {
111                         this.playlist.splice(k, 1);
112                         this._update();
113                 },
114                 pauseSounds: function() {
115                         this.playlistContainer.find('audio').each(function(){$(this)[0].pause();});     
116                 },
117                 _buildhtmlSound: function(sound,k) {
118                         var container = $('<div>');
119                         var audio = $('<audio>',this.options.html5audioOptions);
120                         $.each(sound.source,function(k,v){
121                                 var source = $('<source>',{src:v,type:k});
122                                 audio.append(source);
124                         });
125                         var title = $('<button>',{html:sound.title,click:function(){
126                                   if (audio[0].paused == false) {
127                                       audio[0].pause();
128                                         $(this).removeClass('active');
129                                   } else {
130                                         self.playlistContainer.find('.active').removeClass('active');
131                                         $(this).addClass('active');
132                                         self.pauseSounds();
133                                       audio[0].play();
134                                   }
135                         }});
136                         var remover = $('<button>',{class:'icon-remove',click:function(){
137                                 self.removeSound(k);
138                         }});
139                         return container.append(remover).append(title).append(audio);
140                 },
141                 _buildhtmlPlaylist: function( argument ) {
142                         var self = this;
143                         self.playlistContainer.empty(); 
144                         $.each(this.playlist,function(k,v){
145                                 var soundHtml = self._buildhtmlSound(v,k);
146                                 var listItem = $('<li>',{html:soundHtml});
147                                 self.playlistContainer.append(listItem);
148                         });
149                 },
150         });
151 })(jQuery);