]> git.0d.be Git - panikweb.git/blob - panikweb_templates/templates/panikombo/episode_auto_selection.html
templates: add empty alt attributes to icon images
[panikweb.git] / panikweb_templates / templates / panikombo / episode_auto_selection.html
1 {% load paniktags thumbnail staticfiles %}
2 {% if title and episodes %}<h3>{{title}}</h3>{% endif %}
3 {% for episode in episodes %}
5 <div class="wrapper extra-soundfiles soundcell">
6         <div class="logo">
7                 {% if episode.image %}
8                         {% thumbnail episode.image "60x60" crop="50% 25%" as im %}
9                         <img alt="" width="60" height="60" src="{{im.url}}"/>
10                         {% endthumbnail %}
11                 {% elif episode.emission.image %}
12                         {% thumbnail episode.emission.image "60x60" crop="50% 25%" as im %}
13                         <img alt="" width="60" height="60" src="{{im.url}}"/>
14                         {% endthumbnail %}
15                 {% else %}
16                         <img alt="" class="smooth"  style="width:60px;" src="{% static "img/emission.png" %}"/>
17                 {% endif %}
18         </div>
19 <ul class="padded custom list">
20 <li>
21   <div class="soundfile-info"><strong>
22     <a class="emission-title" href="{% url 'emission-view' slug=episode.emission.slug%}">{{ episode.emission.title }}</a>
23     <span class="sep">-</span>
24     <a class="episode-title" href="{% url 'episode-view' emission_slug=episode.emission.slug slug=episode.slug %}">{{ episode.title }}</a></strong>
25   </div>
26   {% for diffusion in episode.diffusions %}
27   <span class="date">→ {{ diffusion.datetime|date:"l d M Y à H:i" }}</span>
28   {% endfor %}
29   {% if episode.main_sound %}{% audio sound=episode.main_sound %}{% endif %}
30   {% for sound in episode.fragment_sounds %}
31   <div class="fragment-sound">
32     {% audio sound=sound display_fragment_name=True %}
33   </div>
34   {% endfor %}
35 </li>
36 </ul>
37 </div>
39 {% endfor %}