bounds: &world - -180 - -85 - 180 - 85 _parts: # let's factorize default values used by layers extents: &extents extent: *world srs-name: "3857" srs: "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over" class: '' status: 'on' extents84: &extents84 extent: *world srs-name: "WGS84" srs: "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" postgis: &postgis type: postgis dbname: gis key_field: "" geometry_field: way extent: -20037508,-20037508,20037508,20037508 center: - 29.9377 - -3.4216 - 15 format: png interactivity: false minzoom: 0 maxzoom: 20 srs: +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over Stylesheet: - "palette.mss" - "base.mss" - "roads.mss" - "power.mss" - "labels.mss" Layer: - Datasource: file: ./data/simplified-land-polygons-complete-3857/simplified_land_polygons.shp type: shape class: shp geometry: polygon <<: *extents id: land-low - id: land-high Datasource: file: ./data/land-polygons-split-3857/land_polygons.shp type: shape class: shp geometry: polygon <<: *extents - id: landuse_gen0 <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: |- ( SELECT way, way_area AS area, COALESCE(landuse, leisure, "natural", highway, amenity, tourism) AS type, tags->'landfill:type' as landfill_type FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE way_area > 100000 ORDER BY way_area DESC ) AS data advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: landuse_gen1 <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: >- ( SELECT way, way_area AS area, COALESCE(landuse, leisure, "natural", highway, amenity, tourism) AS type, tags->'landfill:type' as landfill_type FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE way_area > 10000 AND COALESCE(landuse, leisure, "natural", highway, amenity, tourism) IS NOT NULL ORDER BY way_area DESC ) AS data advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: landuse <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: |- ( SELECT way, way_area AS area, COALESCE(landuse, leisure, "natural", highway, amenity, tourism) AS type, tags->'landfill:type' as landfill_type FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE COALESCE(landuse, leisure, "natural", highway, amenity, tourism) IS NOT NULL ORDER BY way_area DESC) AS data advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - geometry: raster extent: *world id: hillshade Datasource: file: DEM/data/hillshade.vrt type: gdal srs-name: 900913 srs: +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over status: 'off' - geometry: linestring extent: *world id: contour_line Datasource: file: DEM/data/contour-25m.shp type: shape srs-name: autodetect srs: +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over status: 'off' - id: waterway_low <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: >- ( SELECT way, waterway AS type, CASE WHEN intermittent IN ('yes') OR tags@> hstore('seasonal','yes') THEN 'yes' ELSE 'no' END AS seasonal FROM planet_osm_line WHERE waterway IN ('river', 'canal')) as h2olow advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: waterway_med Datasource: <<: *postgis table: >- ( SELECT way, waterway AS type, CASE WHEN intermittent IN ('yes') OR tags@> hstore('seasonal','yes') THEN 'yes' ELSE 'no' END AS seasonal FROM planet_osm_line WHERE waterway IN ('river', 'canal', 'stream')) as h2o - id: waterway_high <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: >- ( SELECT way, waterway AS type, CASE WHEN intermittent IN ('yes') OR tags@> hstore('seasonal','yes') THEN 'yes' ELSE 'no' END AS seasonal FROM planet_osm_line WHERE waterway IN ('river', 'canal', 'stream', 'ditch', 'drain')) as h2o advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: water_gen0 <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: >- ( SELECT way, "natural" AS type, way_area AS area FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE ("natural" IN ('water', 'pond') OR waterway IN ('basin', 'canal', 'mill_pond', 'pond', 'riverbank')) AND way_area > 10000 ) AS data advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: water_gen1 <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: >- ( SELECT way, "natural" AS type, way_area AS area FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE ("natural" IN ('water', 'pond') OR waterway IN ('basin', 'canal', 'mill_pond', 'pond', 'riverbank')) AND way_area > 1000 ) AS data advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: water <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: >- ( SELECT way, way_area AS area FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE "natural" IN ('water', 'pond') OR waterway IN ('basin', 'canal', 'mill_pond', 'pond', 'riverbank', 'dock') ) AS data advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: landuse_overlays <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: |- ( SELECT way, way_area AS area, COALESCE(leisure) AS type FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE leisure = 'nature_reserve' ORDER BY way_area DESC ) AS data advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: admin-high <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: |- ( SELECT ST_Intersection(way, !bbox!) AS way, admin_level::integer, CASE WHEN tags->'maritime'='yes' THEN 'yes' ELSE 'no' END AS maritime FROM planet_osm_roads WHERE "boundary" = 'administrative' AND admin_level IN ('1','2','3','4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10') AND "boundary" IS NOT NULL AND way && !bbox! ORDER BY admin_level DESC ) AS data advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: admin-med <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: |- ( SELECT ST_Intersection(way, !bbox!) AS way, admin_level::integer, CASE WHEN tags->'maritime'='yes' THEN 'yes' ELSE 'no' END AS maritime FROM planet_osm_roads WHERE "boundary" = 'administrative' AND admin_level IN ('1','2','3','4', '5', '6', '7', '8') AND "boundary" IS NOT NULL AND way && !bbox! ORDER BY admin_level DESC ) AS data advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: admin-low <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: |- ( SELECT way, admin_level::integer, CASE WHEN tags->'maritime'='yes' THEN 'yes' ELSE 'no' END AS maritime FROM planet_osm_roads WHERE "boundary" = 'administrative' AND admin_level IN ('1','2','3','4') AND "boundary" IS NOT NULL ORDER BY admin_level DESC ) AS data advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: buildings <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: |- ( SELECT way, CASE WHEN amenity IS NOT NULL or shop IS NOT NULL THEN 'yes' ELSE 'no' END AS poi, building AS type FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE building NOT IN ('0','false', 'no') ) AS data advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: aeroway-poly <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: "( SELECT way, aeroway AS type, tunnel FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE aeroway IN ('apron', 'runway', 'taxiway')) AS data" advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: aeroway <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: |- ( SELECT way, aeroway AS type, tunnel FROM planet_osm_line WHERE aeroway IN ('apron', 'runway', 'taxiway') ) AS data advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: turning_circle_case <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: "( SELECT way \n FROM planet_osm_point \n WHERE highway = 'turning_circle'\n) AS data" advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: roads_high <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: |- ( SELECT way, name, access, construction, stratum, type, CASE WHEN smoothness IN ('bad', 'very_bad', 'horrible', 'very_horrible') THEN 'bad' ELSE 'good' END AS condition, CASE WHEN surface IN ('paved', 'paving_stones', 'asphalt', 'concrete') THEN 'paved' WHEN (surface IS NULL AND type IN ('trunk', 'trunk_link', 'motorway', 'motorway_link', 'primary', 'primary_link', 'secondary', 'secondary_link', 'tertiary', 'tertiary_link')) THEN 'paved' ELSE 'unpaved' END AS surface, CASE WHEN tunnel IS NOT NULL AND tunnel!='no' THEN 'tunnel' WHEN bridge IS NOT NULL AND bridge!='no' THEN 'bridge' WHEN ford IS NOT NULL AND ford!='no' THEN 'ford' ELSE NULL END AS structure, CASE WHEN type IN ('motorway', 'trunk', 'trunk_link') THEN 'motorway' WHEN type ~ E'\\w+_link$' THEN regexp_replace(type, '_link', '') WHEN type IN ('unclassified', 'road') THEN 'standard' WHEN type IN ('residential', 'living_street') THEN 'urban' WHEN type IN ('track', 'service', 'path', 'cycleway', 'footway', 'pedestrian', 'steps', 'bridleway') THEN 'noauto' ELSE type END AS style FROM ( SELECT way, name, bridge, access, surface, tunnel, tags->'smoothness' AS smoothness, tags->'ford' AS ford, layer, tags->'narrow' AS narrow, construction, CASE WHEN true THEN layer::integer ELSE 0 END AS stratum, CASE WHEN highway='construction' AND construction IS NOT NULL THEN construction ELSE highway END AS type, CASE WHEN highway IN ('trunk', 'motorway') THEN 1 WHEN highway IN ('primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary') THEN 10 WHEN highway IN ('tertiary') THEN 100 ELSE 1000 END AS prio FROM planet_osm_line WHERE highway IS NOT NULL AND way && !bbox! ORDER BY stratum, prio DESC, z_order ) as a WHERE a.type!='construction' and (!='yes' OR IS NULL) ) AS data advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: ferry <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: "( SELECT way, route, name, z_order FROM planet_osm_line WHERE route IS NOT NULL AND route='ferry' ORDER BY z_order) as ferry" advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: railway <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: "( SELECT way, tunnel, bridge, railway, service, CASE WHEN railway in ('spur','siding') or (railway='rail' and service in ('spur','siding','yard')) THEN 'yard' WHEN railway='disused' THEN 'disused' WHEN railway='rail' THEN 'main' ELSE 'other' END AS type FROM planet_osm_line WHERE railway IS NOT NULL AND railway!='abandoned' AND railway!='dismantled' AND railway!='razed' AND railway!='historic' ORDER BY z_order) as rail" advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: roads_med <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: >- ( SELECT way, highway AS type FROM planet_osm_roads WHERE highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk', 'primary', 'secondary', 'motorway_link', 'trunk_link') ) AS data advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: roads_low <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: |- ( SELECT way, highway AS type, bridge, tunnel FROM planet_osm_roads WHERE highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk') ) AS data advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: turning_circle_fill <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: "( SELECT way \n FROM planet_osm_point\n WHERE highway = 'turning_circle'\n) AS data" advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: barrier_lines <<: *extents class: barriers Datasource: <<: *postgis table: '(select way, barrier from planet_osm_line where barrier is not null) as data' advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: barrier_areas <<: *extents class: barriers Datasource: <<: *postgis table: |- ( SELECT way,barrier,"natural" FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE barrier IS NOT NULL OR "natural"='hedge' ) AS barriers advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: power-poly <<: *extents class: power-poi Datasource: <<: *postgis table: "(SELECT way, power AS type, tags->'generator:source' AS source, name FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE power IS NOT NULL) as data" advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: power-line <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: "(SELECT way, power AS type, tags->'generator:source' AS source, name FROM planet_osm_line WHERE power IS NOT NULL) as data" advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: power-point <<: *extents class: power-poi Datasource: <<: *postgis table: "(SELECT way, power AS type, tags->'generator:source' AS source, name FROM planet_osm_point WHERE power IS NOT NULL) as data" advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: airport-point <<: *extents class: airport Datasource: <<: *postgis table: "(select way,name,CASE WHEN tags ? 'iata' THEN 'airport' WHEN aeroway='aerodrome' THEN 'airfield' ELSE null END AS aeroway FROM planet_osm_point WHERE aeroway='aerodrome') as data" advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: airport-poly <<: *extents class: airport Datasource: <<: *postgis table: "(select way,name,CASE WHEN tags ? 'iata' THEN 'airport' WHEN aeroway='aerodrome' THEN 'airfield' ELSE null END AS aeroway FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE aeroway='aerodrome') as data" advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: poi-point <<: *extents class: poi Datasource: <<: *postgis table: |- ( SELECT way, name, COALESCE(amenity, leisure, tags->'healthcare', shop, tourism, highway, tags->'emergency', barrier) AS main, man_made, religion, CASE WHEN shop IS NOT NULL AND shop!='no' THEN shop ELSE NULL END AS shop, tags->'craft' as craft, tags->'pump' as pump, tags->'drinking_water' as drinking_water, power, tags->'content' AS content FROM planet_osm_point WHERE amenity IS NOT NULL OR shop IS NOT NULL OR tags ? 'craft' OR tags ? 'healthcare' OR tourism IN ('alpine_hut','camp_site','caravan_site','guest_house','hostel','hotel','motel','museum','viewpoint','bed_and_breakfast','information','chalet') OR highway IN ('bus_stop','traffic_signals','ford', 'street_lamp') OR man_made IN ('mast','water_tower', 'tower', 'water_well', 'watermill', 'storage_tank') OR historic IN ('memorial','archaeological_site') OR leisure IN ('playground','slipway', 'beach_resort') OR tags @> hstore ('emergency', 'fire_hydrant') OR power IN ('generator', 'sub_station', 'tower', 'pole') OR barrier IN ('border_control') ) AS data advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: poi-poly <<: *extents class: poi Datasource: <<: *postgis table: |- ( SELECT way, name, COALESCE(amenity, leisure, tags->'healthcare', shop, tourism, highway, tags->'emergency', barrier) AS main, man_made, religion, CASE WHEN shop IS NOT NULL AND shop!='no' THEN shop ELSE NULL END AS shop, tags->'craft' as craft, tags->'pump' as pump, tags->'drinking_water' as drinking_water, power, tags->'content' AS content FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE amenity IS NOT NULL OR shop IS NOT NULL OR tags ? 'healthcare' OR tourism IN ('alpine_hut','camp_site','caravan_site','guest_house','hostel','hotel','motel','museum','viewpoint','bed_and_breakfast','information','chalet') OR highway IN ('bus_stop','traffic_signals') OR historic in ('memorial','archaeological_site') OR leisure='playground' OR power IN ('plant', 'sub_station') ) AS data advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: low_place <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: "( SELECT way, CASE WHEN place='country' THEN 1 WHEN capital='yes' AND admin_level='2' THEN 10 WHEN place='state' THEN 20 WHEN place='city' THEN 21 WHEN place='town' THEN 30 ELSE 100 END as prio, place AS type, name, z_order, CASE WHEN population ~ E'^\\d{1,9}$' THEN population::integer ELSE NULL END AS population, CASE WHEN capital='yes' AND admin_level='2' THEN 'country' ELSE NULL END AS is_capital FROM planet_osm_point WHERE place in ('country', 'state', 'city', 'town') AND place IS NOT NULL ORDER BY prio, population DESC NULLS LAST) AS data" advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: place <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: "( SELECT way, CASE WHEN place='country' THEN 1 WHEN capital='yes' AND admin_level='2' THEN 10 WHEN place='state' THEN 20 WHEN place='town' THEN 30 WHEN place='village' THEN 40 ELSE 100 END as prio, place AS type, name, z_order, CASE WHEN population ~ E'^\\d{1,9}$' THEN population::integer ELSE NULL END AS population, CASE WHEN capital='yes' AND admin_level='2' THEN 'country' ELSE NULL END AS is_capital FROM planet_osm_point WHERE place in ('country', 'state', 'city', 'town', 'village', 'hamlet', 'suburb', 'neighbourhood', 'locality') AND place IS NOT NULL ORDER BY prio, population DESC NULLS LAST) AS data" advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: area_label <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: '( SELECT COALESCE(landuse, leisure, "natural", highway, amenity, tourism) AS type, name, way_area AS area, ST_PointOnSurface(way) AS way FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE name IS NOT NULL AND (landuse IS NOT NULL OR leisure IS NOT NULL OR "natural" IS NOT NULL) AND way && !bbox! AND ST_IsValid(way) ORDER BY area DESC) AS data' advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: motorway_label <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: "( SELECT way, highway AS type, name, ref, CASE WHEN oneway IN ('yes', '-1') THEN oneway ELSE 'no' END AS oneway, CHAR_LENGTH(ref) AS reflen FROM planet_osm_line WHERE highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk') AND (name IS NOT NULL OR ref IS NOT NULL)) AS data" advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: mainroad_label <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: "( SELECT way, highway AS type, name, CASE WHEN oneway IN ('yes', '-1') THEN oneway ELSE 'no' END AS oneway FROM planet_osm_line WHERE (name IS NOT NULL OR oneway IN ('yes', '-1')) AND highway IN ('primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary')) AS data" advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: minorroad_label <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: >- ( SELECT way, highway AS type, name, CASE WHEN oneway IN ('yes', '-1') THEN oneway ELSE 'no' END AS oneway FROM planet_osm_line WHERE (name IS NOT NULL OR oneway IN ('yes', '-1')) AND highway IN ('residential', 'unclassified', 'road', 'living_street', 'unknown') ) AS data advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: admin-label-5-10 <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: |- ( SELECT ST_Intersection(p.way, !bbox!) AS way, name, cast(regexp_replace(admin_level,'[^0-9]','','g') AS integer) AS admin_level FROM planet_osm_polygon p WHERE ST_Intersects(p.way,!bbox!) AND not ST_Covers(p.way, !bbox!) AND boundary='administrative' AND admin_level IN ('5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10') ORDER BY admin_level ) AS data advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: admin-label-1-4 <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: |- ( SELECT ST_Intersection(p.way, !bbox!) AS way, name, cast(regexp_replace(admin_level,'[^0-9]','','g') AS integer) AS admin_level FROM planet_osm_polygon p WHERE ST_Intersects(p.way, !bbox!) AND not ST_Covers(p.way, !bbox!) AND boundary='administrative' AND admin_level IN ('0', '2', '3', '4') ORDER BY admin_level ) AS data advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: waterway_label <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: "( SELECT way, waterway AS type, name\n FROM planet_osm_line\n WHERE waterway IN ('canal', 'river', 'stream') \n AND name IS NOT NULL\n) AS data" advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: natural_point_label <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: |- ( SELECT way, "natural" AS type, name, CASE WHEN ele ~ E'^\\d{1,5}$' THEN ele::integer ELSE null END as ele FROM planet_osm_point WHERE "natural" IS NOT NULL AND "natural" IN ('peak', 'bay', 'volcano') ORDER BY ele DESC NULLS LAST ) AS data advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' - id: housenumber <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *postgis table: " (select way,\"addr:housenumber\" AS housenumber, CASE WHEN \"addr:housenumber\" ~ E'^\\d+$' AND mod(\"addr:housenumber\"::bigint, 5) IN (0, 1) THEN 'yes' ELSE 'no' END AS mod5 FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE \"addr:housenumber\" IS NOT NULL AND building IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT way,\"addr:housenumber\" AS housenumber, CASE WHEN \"addr:housenumber\" ~ E'^\\d+$' AND mod(\"addr:housenumber\"::bigint, 5) IN (0, 1) THEN 'yes' ELSE 'no' END AS mod5 FROM planet_osm_point WHERE \"addr:housenumber\" IS NOT NULL) as data" advanced: extent_from_subquery: 'true' scale: 1 metatile: 8 attribution: 'Data © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors under ODbL 1.0' description: '' name: hdm-toner compareUrl: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png'