# ======================================================== # botamusique Default Configuration File # Version 6 # ======================================================== # WARNING: # ****************************** # **DO NOT MODIFIED THIS FILE.** # ****************************** # # Please create your own configuration file, and # ONLY ADD ITEMS YOU WANT TO MODIFY into it. Other # items will be loaded from this file automatically. # DO NOT DIRECTLY COPY THIS FILE. # # That is because this file will be overridden # during updates. New options will be added and # old options (like [strings]) will be updated. # ======================================================== [server] host = port = 64738 password = channel = # example: token1,token2 tokens = certificate = [bot] username = botamusique comment = Hi, I'm here to play radio, local music or youtube/soundcloud music. Have fun! # default volume from 0 to 1. volume = 0.1 # playback mode should be one of "one-shot", "loop", "random", "autoplay" playback_mode = one-shot # target version, stable or testing (testing need to bot installed with git) target_version = stable # Users allowed to kill the bot, or ban URLs. admin = User1;User2; # Folder that stores your local songs. music_folder = music_folder/ # Folder that stores the downloaded music. tmp_folder = /tmp/ database_path = database.db pip3_path = venv/bin/pip auto_check_update = True logfile = # in MB, 0 for no cache, -1 for unlimited size tmp_folder_max_size = 10 # how many times the bot will try to download an item download_attempts = 2 ignored_folders = tmp ignored_files = Thumbs.db announce_current_music = True allow_other_channel_message = False allow_private_message = True # 'save_music_library': If this is set True, the bot will save the metadata of music into the database. save_music_library = True # 'refresh_cache_on_startup': If this is set true, the bot will refresh its music directory cache when starting up. # But it won't reload metadata from each files. If set to False, it will used the cache last time. refresh_cache_on_startup = True # If save_playlist is set True, the bot will save current # playlist before quitting and reload it the next time it start. save_playlist = True # Maximum track played when a playlist is added. max_track_playlist = 20 # Maximum music duration (minutes) max_track_duration = 60 # If ducking is enabled, the bot will automatically attenuate its volume when someone is talking. ducking = False ducking_volume = 0.05 ducking_threshold = 3000 [webinterface] # Set enabled to True if you'd like to use the web interface to manage your playlist, upload files, etc. enabled = False is_web_proxified = True listening_addr = listening_port = 8181 web_logfile = # Set this option to True to enable password protection for the web interface require_auth = False user = password = [debug] # Set ffmpeg to True if you want to display DEBUG level log of ffmpeg. ffmpeg = False mumbleConnection = False # This is a list of default radio stations. [radio] ponyville = "Here a command of !radio comment" luna = http://radio.ponyvillelive.com:8002/stream "calm and orchestra music" radiobrony = "Borny music of a friend" celestiaradio = http://celestia.aiverse.org:8000/mp3_256 jazz = http://jazz-wr04.ice.infomaniak.ch/jazz-wr04-128.mp3 "Jazz Yeah !" # ======================================================== # WARNING: WE DO NOT SUGGEST YOU MODIFY THE FOLLOWING # PARTS, EXCEPT YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. # ======================================================== [commands] # This is a list of characters the bot recognizes as command prefix. command_symbol = !:! # This option split username, in case you use such kind of mumo plugins https://wiki.mumble.info/wiki/Mumo#Set_Status split_username_at_space = False play_file = file, f play_file_match = filematch, fm play_url = url play_radio = radio play_playlist = playlist rb_query = rbquery rb_play = rbplay yt_search = ysearch yt_play = yplay help = help pause = pause play = p, play stop = stop remove = rm clear = clear skip = skip last = last current_music = np, now volume = volume kill = kill stop_and_getout = oust joinme = joinme queue = queue repeat = repeat random = random mode = mode update = update list_file = listfile play_tag = tag add_tag = addtag remove_tag = untag find_tagged = findtagged, ft user_ban = userban user_unban = userunban url_ban = urlban url_unban = urlunban ducking = duck ducking_threshold = duckthres ducking_volume = duckv drop_database = dropdatabase rescan = rescan [strings] current_volume = Current volume: {volume}. current_ducking_volume = Volume on ducking: {volume}. change_volume = Volume set to {volume} by {user}. change_ducking_volume = Volume on ducking set to {volume} by {user}. bad_command = {command}: command not found. bad_parameter = {command}: invalid parameter. error_executing_command = {command}: Command failed with error: {error}. not_admin = You are not an admin! not_playing = Nothing is playing right now. no_file = File not found. wrong_pattern = Invalid regex: {error}. file_added = Added: {item}. multiple_file_added = Multiple files added: multiple_file_found = Found: bad_url = Bad URL requested. preconfigurated_radio = Preconfigurated Radio available: unable_download = Error while downloading music... which_command = Do you mean
{commands} multiple_matches = File not found! Possible candidates: queue_contents = Items on the playlist: queue_empty = Playlist is empty! invalid_index = Invalid index {index}. Use '!queue' to see your playlist. now_playing = Playing {item} radio = Radio file = File url_from_playlist = URL url = URL radio_item = {title} from {name} added by {user} file_item = {artist} - {title} added by {user} url_from_playlist_item = {title} from playlist {playlist} added by {user} url_item = {title} added by {user} not_in_my_channel = You're not in my channel, command refused! pm_not_allowed = Private message aren't allowed. too_long = {song} is too long, removed from playlist! download_in_progress = Download of {item} in progress... removing_item = Removed entry {item} from playlist. user_ban = You are banned, not allowed to do that! url_ban = This url is banned! rb_query_result = This is the result of your query, send !rbplay 'ID' to play a station: rb_play_empty = Please specify a radio station ID! paused = Music paused. stopped = Music stopped. cleared = Playlist emptied. database_dropped = Database dropped. All records have gone. new_version_found =

Update Available!

New version of botamusique is available, send !update to update! start_updating = Start updating... file_missed = Music file '{file}' missed! This item has been removed from the playlist. unknown_mode = Unknown playback mode '{mode}'. It should be one of one-shot, loop, random. current_mode = Current playback mode is {mode}. change_mode = Playback mode set to {mode} by {user}. repeat = Repeat {song} for {n} times. yt_result = Youtube query result: {result_table} Use !ytplay {{index}} to play the item you want.
!ytquery -n for the next page. yt_no_more = No more results! yt_query_error = Unable to query youtube! playlist_fetching_failed = Unable to fetch the playlist! cache_refreshed = Cache refreshed! added_tags = Added tags {tags} to {song}. added_tags_to_all = Added tags {tags} to songs on the playlist. removed_tags = Removed tags {tags} from {song}. removed_tags_from_all = Removed tags {tags} from songs on the playlist. cleared_tags = Removed all tags from {song}. cleared_tags_from_all = Removed all tags from songs on the playlist. help =


Control Playlist Tag Other admin_help =

Admin command