[server] host = port = 64738 password = channel = [bot] username = botamusique comment = Hi, I'm here to play radio, local music or youtube/soundcloud music. Have fun ! volume = 0.1 admin = User1;User2; # Allow user to kill the bot music_folder = /home/azlux/botamusique/music_folder/ tmp_folder = /tmp/ # in Mo, 0 for no cache, -1 for illimited size tmp_folder_max_size = 10 ignored_folders = tmp ignored_files = Thumbs.db [webinterface] enabled = False is_web_proxified = True listening_addr = listening_port = 8181 [command] play_file = file play_url = url play_radio = radio help = help stop = stop list = list next = skip current_music = np volume = v kill = kill stop_and_getout = oust joinme = joinme queue = queue [radio] ponyville = luna = http://radio.ponyvillelive.com:8002/stream radiobrony = celestiaradio = http://celestia.aiverse.org:8000/mp3_256 jazz = http://jazz-wr04.ice.infomaniak.ch/jazz-wr04-128.mp3 [strings] current_volume = volume : %d%% change_volume = volume : %d%% by %s bad_command = Incorrect command not_admin = You are not an admin ! not_playing = No music right now bad_file = Bad file asked no_file = Not file here bad_url = Bad URL asked multiple_matches = Track not found! Possible candidates: queue_contents = The next items in the queue are: queue_empty = No more music in the playlist! now_playing = Now playing %s
%s help = Command available:
!url - youtube or soundcloud
!radio - url of a stream
!list - display list of available tracks
!queue - display items in queue
!next - jump to the next music of the playlist
!stop - stop and clear the playlist
!oust - stop + Go to default channel
!v - get or change the volume (in %)
!joinme [debug] ffmpeg = False mumbleConnection = False